Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Complain Easy, Solution Harder

I came across these thoughts on from Saturday, October 27, 2007 titled, The Dead Horse, "There are still blogs out there that primarily devote their energies to deconstructing American churches. These missed the boat long ago as everyone else has since moved onto solutions. There is always still room for identifying issues, but still dwelling primarily on these is now beating a horse that was dead long ago. Its past time to begin focusing our collective energies on not thinking church is inverted from what it should be, and instead focusing on what will flip it. For example: you say that service is irrelevant, but what does church have that is MORE relevant? Let's find those areas and exploit our strengths."

I agree. It is past time to criticism the church. It is time to do something about it. Complainining is easy, finding solutions is harder. You and I can't abandon church, it is God's answer to the "gates of hell."

I'll offer one solution today. Church is bad when it is something one attends. Church is awesome when it becomes something one does. I often tell my children, if you have the opportunity to watch something or to do something, do something. Church is something we do. If you want to fix your church, do something. Help someone. Teach someone. Serve, invite, and give. You don't even need special permission or a specific call. Jesus already said, "Go." On what further instruction are you waiting?"

The harvest is still great, and the laborers few. What you can do, you must. To see a need that I can fill, while doing nothing is sin. I can't fix the whole entire church world, but I can repent and get myself on the right track. Let's stop complaining, and get busy doing something.
