Monday, March 24, 2008


This Easter was the earliest in 65 years I heard in a news report a few days ago. But, if the passing of Easter brings warmer weather, then I'm glad it came early. Yesterday, Easter, sure blazed by me in a hurry. All of the extra attention to details--music selection, sermon prep, getting everyone seated somehow, baptism, egg hunt... It seemed like it was over in a flash. People received eternal life through Jesus Christ, the food was delicious everywhere we ate. What a wonderful day!

I am so glad Jesus took my place, so I could be redeemed. Matthew 27:35 begins, "Then THEY crucified Him..." THEY is found 28 times in Matthew 27. I suppose it should read "we." They is always someone else, not me. In that crowd I suppose their were three different kinds of people. There was the sympathetic group. They were crying. They were asking, "Why? What did he do? What crime did he commit? He only helped and healed. Why?"

The antipathetic group was there shouting, "Crucify him. Crucify him." They were offended at Jesus' teaching. He exposed their hypocrisy, their sinfulness and crooked ways. I suppose some passers by were totally unconcerned and uninterested in what was happening on Golgotha's hill. The cross had no meaning or purpose for them. They were the apathetic group. The world never really changes. We still have these groups today.

Three cries were heard the day Jesus was crucified. There was a cry of unbelief from one of the thieves dying next to Jesus. He shouted, "If you are the Son of God, save yourself and us." There was a cry of repentance from the thief on the other side, "We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man is immocent. Lord, remember me when you enter your kingdom." Jesus also cried out from His cross, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

A preacher was speaking to fishermen on an English seashore. He was trying to make it plain to the men what Christ's work on the cross really was.
Presently, he said, “Now will one of you men tell me, in your own words, what the Lord Jesus did there on the cross?”
An old seaman looked up and, with tears on his weather-beaten face, said: “He swapped with me.”

I love that. Jesus swapped with me. God gives us the cross, then the cross gives us God. When Jesus died, I died with Him. When He was raised, I was raised. Either I die with Jesus on that cross or I die alone, and face eternity alone. I will carry my sins alone, stand before God to be judged and condemned to eternal damnation alone.

But, if I die with Jesus on that cross, then I will rise with Him. When I die, He is with me. When I stand before God, Jesus stands before me. He swapped with me. He died so I can live. He is preparing a place of abode, a mansion, for me in heaven. He is coming to this earth again to get me.



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