Monday, September 8, 2008

Controlled by the Holy Spirit

Acts 13:52, from The New Testament by Kenneth S. Wuest reads, “And the disciples were constantly filled with joy and CONTROLLED by the Holy Spirit.” What would your life look like, if you were constantly filled with joy and CONTROLLED by the Holy Spirit? What would the church looks like, if all followers of Jesus Christ would be more controlled by the Holy Spirit?

There have been three phases of God's relationship with humans. Phase One could be called: God Out There. For most of human history God was mysterious and unapproachable. He interacted sporadically with a few prophets and sheep herders. The rest of humanity was left in the dark.

The second phase began with an angelic announcement of Emmanuel--God with us. When Jesus came to the earth, God came to live among us. We beheld the glory of God. Jesus was the exact representation of God. He walked and talked with the folks. He ate meals in their homes. He was fascinating and compassionate. Then He left the scene. Before He left, He promised to send another Helper. The Holy Spirit, according to Jesus, would be with us and live in us.

When a person becomes a Christ follower, he is born of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to live inside. God makes His home inside the spirit of human beings. How powerful it must be to be controlled by the One who lives inside.

"Is it in you?" is the question asked by Gatorade. The suggestion is that if Gatorade is in you, you can perform like an elite athlete. Perhaps you will not become dehydrated. I am not sure Gatorade will imporve your athletic skills. One thing I know, the Holy Spirit in you will absolutely improve your daily performance in life. The better question is, "Is He in you?"



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