Thursday, October 23, 2008

What Matters More?

We are days away from an historic election. Just to mention the name of an opposing candidate evokes hatred and fear in the hearts of many. It seems that so many people are hanging their hopes for the future on the results of this election. Nearly half of the country is going to be certain that we have chosen the wrong solution. To the most convinced, certainly prophecy of disaster will follow news of the proclaimed winners and losers. I think to myself, "Will it matter as much as we think?"

Then other thoughts come to mind, "What matters more?" Can the results of this election matter as much to me as other things? My own hard work ethic matter more that who is President? My own positive or negative attitude must matter more? How I love and care for my family matters to the results of my life more than who is elected to any government position. What matters more?

As I sit blogging, sipping my cup of coffee at the local coffee house, the conversation of the women at the next table drifts over my ears. The discussion is political. Each is convinced of the absurdity of the values of the wrong party. What matters more, their opinion of politics or their hateful attitudes towards those of opposing opinions? As they sit and gossip about so-and-so, it is apparent to me that their uppity attitudes will determine much more of the outcomes of their lives that the results of the election.

The Bible teaches that our choice of thinking about our own flesh or thinking about things of the Holy Spirit will bring drastically different results. There is a constant battle for dominance of our thoughts. What we think about will determine the outcomes of our life.  Colossians 3:2 reads, "Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth." Let's allow the life-giving Holy Spirit to control our thoughts. The results of the election or what controls our thoughts: what matters more? I think you know.



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