Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Let's get started

This is my first attempt at blogging. So, let's get started.

I've been thinking much lately how in the church we mostly feed the already fed. It's so easy; those hungry for more of God come ready for more. That's exciting! It's so easy to feed the spiritually hungry. Being salty, causing another person to be hungry for God; that's more challenging. I think it starts with being more outwardly focused. We can all be so self-absorbed. We get sucked down the black hole of self. My self (flesh) can never be satisfied.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little bored with me. So, I'm challenging myself and you, my reader, to live for others. Jesus told us that the two most important things in life are to love God passionately and to love other people genuinely (Mark 12. 30-31).

So, are you an inny or an outty?



Reverend GLO said...

great first post man!

conniechurchlady said...

Thank you for your message today. I like being able to read something encouraging from a local person. It's late in my life (I'm 60), and I've been a Christian for many years, but I find that it has become very important to me to allow God to use me more, in the time that I have left on this earth. Thanks again!

Swanie said...

It's very easy to feel too busy with all of the activity we have in our daily lives. Everything is scheduled for it's own time slot. The thought of trying to squeeze in an "unnecessary" extra often seems like too much. Taking time to actually engage in a real conversation with a stranger, as opposed to exchanging quick pleasantries can sometimes feel like a real weight. I'm always amazed, though, how it often means a lot to someone when we take that time and how it almost always leads to an opportunity to share God (notice I did not say "preach" to them). I can also attest that if you want to see God do exciting things, this is a great way to witness it. You don't have to cross the ocean to be a missionary.

Unknown said...

you have really touched an mjor issue in the Body of Christ today. Bringing someone to Christ is only the beginning of the process. Training (feeding) is the second but making people disciples is where true growth happens. It's a cycle of bringing them in, raising them up and sending them out to repeat this process that happened to them with others(replication). To do this we must prepare leaders and workers by training and encouraging them to reach out to others for Jesus. People basically have a desire to do this but need to be shown how to do so. Think of it as a kind of apprentice program. Jesus focused on His 12 and sent them out to bring others in - what a novel idea.