Saturday, July 12, 2008

Life Happens

I am home from vacation now. We like to ride bikes and hike in Colorado. On the first day of vacation, the entire family went on a ten mile hike with our friends. The twelve of us are quite a site. The park ranger asked what group we were? "Just two families," I replied! The trail followed the stream down the mountain. It was a good hike.

Michelle and I took a bike ride around Lake Dillon on the second day of vacation. It is a beautiful ride. She was riding very strongly. It started raining. Then it rained harder. So, we decided to pull over. Mistake! Michelle executed a perfect stop, twisting her foot our of her clipless pedals. She put her left foot down of the slippery trail, and slid. Her bike came crashing down. As she fell, her right leg landed on the crank of the bike. The crank sliced her right calf open like a filet knife would have. She immediately instructed me to take off my jersey to stop the bleeding.

Several rescue workers responded to my 9-1-1 call. The ambulance pulled away, leaving me on the trail with my bike. I rode hard and fast on the wet trail to catch up to Michelle at the emergency room of the local hospital. After the wound was cleaned, the doctor put about 30 stitches into my wife's leg. Our vaction took an immediate turn.

Michelle's vacation was stolen from her. It was altered for the rest of the family. Life happens. I am proud to announce that prayer and praise came immediately out of my wife's mouth during her accident. She was a perfect peace. During the remainder of our vacation, she had a wonderful attitude, as the rest of us took off on hikes and other biking adventures.

We sure have a memory. God is good. Michelle is on the mend. The stitches come out in a few days. Scars are tatoos with stories. She has one to tell. There will be future vacations. Life is hard and sometimes unfair. During Michelle's trial, her faith was strong, and her attitude was great.

What comes out of you, when Life Happens?



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