Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our Ideal Church

Our ideal church is one filled with people who love God passionately and love one another genuinely. We want our church to improve people's lives, not burden them. We aspire for our church to be relevant in everyday life. We long to see people live victoriously. No one wants surprises, scandals, or secrets from the church leadership, so we promise to be honest and forthright concerning church matters.

No one should have to go through life alone. We want to do life together with people who love us just the way we are, but exhort us to get better. Everyone should have a place to be themselves, without having to put on airs. At church, we want every person to find good friends who are a delight and who provide comfort and stability during life's difficult times. We want to build a church where people laugh freely and often.

We want every Sunday to be a family reunion. We want Sunday to be the best day of the week. We desire a church where people stay for years, grow old together, and watch their children grow up, get married, and have children of their own.

This what we try to accomplish at Cornerstone Church.



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